Thursday, September 27, 2012

Myth: College Work Increases Economic Equity

Is Higher Education A Ticket to the American Dream?

Does college education increase your chances of making the American Dream come true?  The answer is no, yet there have been student loans and other kinds of encouragement that have motivated individuals to acquire college degrees without bringing them any more closer to the American Dream.

I speak as an American, yes, but no matter where you are from in the world we have dreams we want to achieve.  Dreams for good health, economic well-being, having our life invested in others are part of the laws of nature working in our hearts.

I like what a musician said in You Tube.  He likened his life to an arrow that he will use on a target or misuse to shoot himself in the foot.  He dare not entrust his life to another, he rather take the calculated risk of directing his life in achieving success.  The message the guitarist gives in not a mere monolog.  The message is move others to think likewise and positively influence others to do likewise.

Refer to this website:

Of course we know that he became successful by the right guidance from others, but it does not have to necessarily come from college work.

Take a calculated risk, take your life into your own hands by becoming an entrepreneur.  Without infringing on the inalienable rights of others, consider something to to sell or some service to provide.

A good number of my friends have their own businesses and we come to observe that small businesses must mutually support one another to stay alive.  We believe in using one another's products or services.

It goes something like this.  If I am to use some sort of shake of hers, then how about trying some of the supplements I have to offer.  Maybe our products and services compliment one another.  Perhaps one person's business compliments the other and promotes some sort of profitable diversification.

Having a niche in some market to provide some service or tangible item gives us ordinary small persons a chance in making the great dreams happen for many.

I think one of the fine answers of achieving and promoting economic achievements is coffee and the other items or services that could come along with such a tasty popular item.

No matter where you are in the USA or in the world, let us as ordinary folks come together and direct our own lives like an archer who aims and shoots with the purpose of hitting the center of the mark.


Let us do something simple and super as we do our parts of helping one another near and far.